01427 875013 or 07774 951282 hayleydrakes@btinternet.com

My ‘Lightbulb Moment’ – how it all started…

Way back in 2001 I tried Reflexology as I was in a high pressure job, really stressed and suffering from a few stress related ailments. The benefits in terms of better sleep, deep relaxation and feeling more balanced, for me, happened at that very first appointment. Reflexology really fascinated me and I was keen to learn more.

The principle behind Reflexology is that the organs, glands and systems of the body are reflected in miniature on the hands and feet, so by using a pressure point technique, a state of better balance can often be achieved. It is a holistic therapy, which means it treats you as a whole – mind, body and spirit and also works alongside any other therapies or medication so is truly complementary.

That first reflexology session blew me away, so I had more and then I wanted to learn more. So I spent around 9 months studying evenings and weekends. In fact every spare moment around my stressful full time job. I found an amazing teacher and did my Reflexology Diploma and Anatomy & Physiology Certificate with the IEB, which involved masses of coursework, reading, case studies and examinations (3 hour written exams for both A&P and Reflexology and a 90min practical exam for Reflexology). I was delighted when I heard that I had passed these with a Distinction – the highest grade I could have achieved. These were the first exams I had done for about 12 years so you can imagine I was really pleased. I always knew I wanted to be self employed, however, until I discovered Reflexology I had not known how I would achieve that.

Reflexology literally changed my life for the better !!! 😄 I love my job and now I can help others feel better too, for which I am very grateful.

Professional Memberships

Member – Federation of Holistic Therapists
Member – General Hypnotherapy Register

Hayley’s Qualifications and Training Workshops Attended

Anatomy and Physiology Certificate – IEB
Reflexology Diploma – IEB
Clinical Hypnotherapy – Innervisions
Pregnancy & Labour Reflexology – IFR
Aromatherapy Diploma – VTCT
Swedish Massage Diploma – VTCT
Indian Champissage Diploma – Narendra Mehta – LCICI
Facial Rejuvenation Diploma – Kundan Mehta – LCICI
Usui and Tibetan Reiki – Master Teacher
Registered Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master (International Center for Reiki Training)
Registered Karuna Reiki® Master (International Center for Reiki Training)
Usui and Tibetan Reiki – Advanced Practitioner
Usui and Tibetan Reiki – First and Second Degree
Tera-Mai™ Reiki – Level 1 and 2
Equine Massage with Anatomy and Physiology (FHT Accredited Diploma)- Pat Ki Equine Therapies
Infant Massage Instructors Certificate
Jill Fraser Ear Candling Diploma
Hopi Ear Candling
Tsuboki® Japanese Face Massage – Level 1 and 2
Tsuboki® Foot Massage
Tsuboki® Hand Massage
Lava Shell Massage – Shared Beauty Secrets
Limbatic Massage – Basic Level in Forearm Technique
No Hands® Massage – Advanced Practitioner
No Hands® Massage – Reflex Therapy
No Hands® Massage – Chair Massage
Holistic Upper Body Seated Massage
‘M’ Technique® Practitioner Course
The Role of Massage in Cancer Care (Weston Park Hospital)
Reflexology in Cancer Care
Treating Trauma Through Reflexology
Acupressure for Common Ailments
The HEARTS Process (Lindsey Lodge Hospice)
Through the Towel Techniques
First Aid – Basic Course