Potential Benefits of Holistic Therapies
- Stress Relief
- Better Sleep Patterns
- Improved Blood and Lymphatic Circulation
- Release of Toxins and Excess Fluid
- Pain Relief and Better Mobility
- Eases Tired and Aching Muscles and Joints
- Balancing of the Body’s Systems
- Deep Relaxation and Feeling of Well-Being
- Alleviates Depression and Melts Away Tension
- Feeling of Calmness and Serenity
- Improved Natural Healing
- Calms and Soothes Nerves and Anxiety
- Dissipation of Mental Tiredness
- Rebalance of Energy – Feel Energised
- Better Concentration and Clearer Thinking
- Strengthened Immune System
- Feeling Uplifted and Stimulated
Holistic Therapies treat the mind and body as a ‘whole’. Stress and anxiety often cause physical problems. Calming the mind benefits the physical body. The therapies work on the principle that the most effective way to prevent illness is to strengthen the body’s immune system. Though not a ‘cure all’ most clients report significant benefits and relief of symptoms.
How many treatments will I need?
Some clients feel the benefits after just one treatment, but most visit periodically as the therapies have a cumulative effect. If you are trying to address a particular issue, then initially more frequently is recommended, followed by less frequent visits to maintain health and well-being. The client is in charge of making their choice regarding frequency and Hayley will simply give advice on this. For maintenance and prevention, once a month or every six weeks is recommended. Some therapies are suitable for children (under 16s must be accompanied by their parent or guardian). Hayley has many clients of all ages ranging from children to those in their eighties and nineties.

- No clothing needs to be removed for Facial Rejuvenation, Ear Candling, Reiki, Indian Champissage or Chair Massage. Shoes and socks only are removed for Reflexology. Tops of shoulders need to be exposed for Tsuboki. Clients always keep on lower underwear for Holistic Body Massage and Lava Shell Massage. Towels are always used for warmth and to preserve dignity.
- Your first appointment includes a FREE consultation to discuss medical history/lifestyle. This ensures therapies are suitable and can be tailored to your specific needs. Please allow a little extra time for this.
- If you suspect you have a medical condition, please consult your GP. It is not within the domain of Holistic Therapy to make, nor confirm, a diagnosis and Hayley does not have a medical qualification. Complementary therapies are designed to be used alongside, not instead of, your existing medication.
- Eat something light, but not a large meal before your treatment.
- Alcohol should not be consumed before your treatment.
- MISSED APPOINTMENTS MUST BE PAID FOR – At least 24 hours’ notice of cancellation is required please otherwise 100% charge may be made. If possible please try to give at least 48 hours notice of cancellation.
- Please make payment on the day of treatment by cash, bank transfer or cheque (payable to Hayley Drakes).
- Aftercare – DRINK PLENTY OF WATER to help eliminate toxins. Allow your body to rest if possible.