HYPNOTHERAPY – positively helping you towards the confident and peaceful life you deserve.
Hypnotherapy is a state of relaxation and heightened awareness induced by suggestion
What does it feel like? Simply deeply relaxed yet aware. This is the same state you go into when falling asleep before you are asleep and when waking up before being fully alert. As a client you are in complete positive control and aware of all the content of the session and even able to respond verbally during the session. Your wonderful imagination is directed to help support positive changes you have highlighted. This includes perceptions, sensations, feelings, thoughts and behaviours. Hypnosis is a natural meditative state we experience many times a day to varying degrees such as when daydreaming, doing familiar tasks, engrossed in a film or book or exercising.
Why choose Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is the most amazing tool for positively addressing stress levels and helping the Client to cope with life’s many challenges. It is very popular for anyone who has stress related issues. It can be used alongside the person’s deep commitment, willpower and motivation to make a particular change perhaps to an unwanted habit or behaviour.
What areas might it help in? The list is virtually endless and clients often choose it for any of the following . . . When the client is committed to allowing the changes hypnotherapy may help relieve anxiety and manage stress and any associated health issues, boost self esteem and confidence, aid sleep, ease digestive issues, assist weight management, boost a positive body/self image, help kick unwanted habits eg. smoking, it is often used to address fears or phobias, give confidence for public speaking and enhance sports performance, assist with emotional challenges. Hypnotherapy is popular in assisting to manage unwanted physical discomfort or sensations and easing the symptoms of many health issues eg. NICE recommends it for IBS symptoms. Physical areas include fatigue, brain fog, long covid symptoms – again the list is endless. Hypnobirthing is very popular and helps create a calm environment for mum and baby before, during and after the birth. For stages of life such as menophase and the many unwanted symptoms that can arise, it can be a really useful tool. Hypnotherapy allows the shift and release of unwanted thoughts, feelings, emotions and sensations and is great for clearing mind clutter enabling you to move forward however you wish. It is a most useful tool for pretty much any challenge in life, be it physical, emotional, a change that you’d like to make.
Read on for even more information on Hypnotherapy
The subconscious is where we hold past experiences, thoughts and beliefs. It is possible, if the client is ready, to change negative or unwanted beliefs into positive ones. For instance, this may help overcoming fears, phobias, unwanted habits and behaviours, unhealthy obsessions, emotional or even physical challenges.
Hypnotherapy is very popular for Weight Management – Imagine the freedom of not even having to focus on food anymore and being able to spend time your precious time and energy on really living life.
Hypnotherapy encourages the client to focus on living a full, fun, healthy, happy life doing all the things they love doing.
Hayley has personal experience, as a client, of the benefits of using hypnosis over the past few decades for many of life’s issues. So you are choosing an therapist who Walks the Walk.
We all deserve to live a happy, healthy life and hypnotherapy is a great way assist you in making those changes towards optimum health and wellbeing, honouring your precious body and in turn having renewed confidence and vitality.
If you are 100% committed, then these tried and tested techniques can be truly miraculous. All completely natural and utilising your own amazing internal resources.
The techniques easily and effortlessly help you feel motivated to develop new healthy habits and discard old unwanted ones, so you can feel happier and more confident in your progression towards however you wish to live your life.
Hypnotherapy provides the support you need to be able to make changes in your life, providing you are fully committed to making that change yourself.
Some techniques used in hypnosis can also be used whilst fully alert in every day life as self care tools and Hayley is passionate about teaching self care tools to her clients.
I can’t praise Hayley enough for her incredible skills, understanding and compassion, and would thoroughly recommend anyone considering it giving hypnotherapy a try with an open mind and heart. I only wish I had met Hayley – and tried it – sooner!
48 Hour Rule – If possible, please allow a couple of days for your therapy to bed in and take full effect before discussing it with others. Sometimes it takes up to a week for you to process the session. Like other therapies, hypnotherapy benefits may be quite subtle but over time can make a huge positive impact on your life.
Hayley is registered with the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council with whom her training is accredited.