01427 875013 or 07774 951282 hayleydrakes@btinternet.com

Indian Champissage™


This advanced form of Indian Head Massage is done through light clothing and includes the whole back, shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp, face and ears – all areas where tension is held. The therapy includes a full ‘chair massage’ through light clothing of the back, neck, shoulders (no oil).  Then massage of the scalp.  Work on the arms, face and ears may be included to suit the Client’s needs.

A traditional Champissage treatment usually works just the muscles in the upper back, but experience has found that clients prefer their whole back to be treated as many have lower back problems and this is possible with the use of the massage chair. Get the best of both worlds!!! This means that the Champissage therapy I offer takes longer than the traditional half-hour treatment to incorporate the whole back.

Indian Champissage was introduced in the 1980s to the UK by Narendra Mehta (with whom Hayley trained).

The use of oils in the hair is optional and can be very beneficial.  Regular Champissage may help promote healthy hair and this therapy works holistically to enhance relaxation, having a calming effect on the mind as well as alleviating physical symptoms of a variety of ailments relating to the head, neck and shoulder area in particular.

My pain has just gone after only a few weekly treatments of Indian Champissage. Before this, the pain in my shoulders, head and neck was tremendous and constant and I didn’t know what to do with myself. It seemed to stem from tension in my neck which I think originated from a very old whiplash injury. Before this I was taking up to 8 nurofen a day, not knowing which way to turn, as my GP said he could do nothing for me. The Indian Champissage was very relaxing and enjoyable, and I was very sleepy afterwards. The next day the pain was much lighter. I had weekly treatment the next week and after the 3rd treatment I was only taking 1 nurofen at night. After the 7th treatment I have stopped taking them altogether. How amazing after such a short time. Hayley has been my angel, freeing me from pain. I would highly recommend her. I eventually progressed to having the therapy every 6 weeks as maintenance.