Maternity Reflexology
Maternity Reflexology is appropriate for expectant mothers after the first trimester and is particularly beneficial in the latter weeks of pregnancy.
Regular treatments are recommended to gain most benefit.
Though promises cannot be made, pregnant ladies often report that some of the symptoms associated with minor ailments during pregnancy respond well to reflexology.
Expectant Mums and Birth Partners can be taught hand reflexology self-help techniques to be used in the early stage of labour to help with relaxation, alleviate anxiety and assist with pain control.
Following the birth, reflexology can help restore the body to it’s natural balance and recover physically, emotionally and hormonally. In turn it may help increase energy levels, calm and relax, aid lactation and post-natal depression may be less likely to occur.
And for baby, new parents can be taught short routines of reflexology which may help with calming and soothing to achieve good sleep patterns, colicy issues, teething and other issues which may cause baby to be unsettled. Parents, grandparents and siblings may consider learning Infant Massage too and family group sessions can be arranged (see the Infant Massage Instruction page).
Comments from clients who received reflexology during pregnancy:
- After each session I felt totally relaxed and better able to cope with my 4 year old daughter.
- In my previous pregnancy I had suffered with constipation and found reflexology helped with this problem.
- In my first pregnancy I experienced back problems and reflexology enabled me to work right up to the date I was due to commence maternity leave.
- I used some of the self-help hand reflexology techniques I had been shown whilst on the maternity ward which were a great help and made me feel relaxed and not anxious whilst I waited for my husband and daughter to visit.
- I found the few reflexology sessions I had following the birth were very relaxing and much needed.
- Reflexology during and after pregnancy was extremely beneficial and relaxing.
- Since having reflexology I have suffered less with foot pain
- I think the treatment helped me a lot with sciatic pain and also the neck pain I had seems to have disappeared.
- It certainly helped me with tension and stress.
- I feel certain it has benefited me and helped with keeping me relaxed, focused and positive.